Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Meditations and prayers

How many times today did you consciously bless the person in front of you? Remembering to do that is like exercising a spiritual muscle, and remember: anytime we bless someone else we are blessing ourselves as well. 
Marianne Williamson

You are completely at choice who you will be today in your interactions with others. Compassionate, kind, giving and forgiving will create one set of probabilities; angry, judgmental, critical and defensive will create another one altogether. 
Marianne Williamson
Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives
~ Unknown

Prayer by my dear friend Katie ....

Serenity prayer...

I find myself repeating the Serenity Prayer a lot over the last few days..Doing a lot of praying and talking to God these days....In fact, I wrote a letter to the Divine source of LOVE today, and I'll share it with you all...It'll be a nice change from bitching about the sequester :-)
Here goes:

Hi Divine source of all that is LOVE, it's me, Katie...

God...grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
Just for today....

Divine source of all that is LOVE....
Perhaps I do think I can change more than I can.
Or perhaps I'm lacking the courage to change the things I can
Perhaps I don't know the difference between the two at this point....
I get pretty confused about all of that sometimes, I must admit...

So, just for today, I'm going to continue to repeat that prayer to you and keep on keepin' on the best I can.....I know you'll listen, I trust that...

But know what?? I just need to say this...
 Things are really messed up in the world right now. Not just the sequester, but so much more. People are dying of treatable diseases because the richest country in the world won't help them with health insurance. Children in this country with such vast resources go to bed hungry every night. And all the other countries that divert resources into war, and let their people die...There is warfare, famine, tyrants, bigotry, hatred, prejudice, misogyny....The destruction of this gorgeous planet you gave us....
Yes, I do know that LOVE is always present....always. But, it's hard to see sometimes...

I could use your guidance right now because I just don't understand how there is so much suffering happening, when the solutions are right there!! And our leaders won't use those solutions. They just bicker, have pissing wars and bash their big ego's into one another in a perpetual battle of the wills.... Never solving anything.
As the Indigo Girls once sang:

"While the politicians shadow box the power ring
In an endless split decision, never solve anything
In a neighbors distant land
I hear the strain of the common man..."

Why don't more people see the strain these things are putting on the common man? Why don't they care??? How could so many stay silent and passive while a few amoral people destroy everything?

I feel like I'm screaming in a crowded room sometimes, and nobody is listening....

What can I do about it??

I keep coming back to LOVE.
I read something this morning by Mark Nepo,in a book he wrote called " The Book of Awakening"  It spoke of love being like water. That it flows into the spaces left empty by loneliness, angst, bitterness, despair- flows freely without needing to be directed to do so. It just flows, filling up the voids.... That LOVE is capable of accepting and surrounding even the worst of insults- like a boulder being thrown angrily into a lake. The water accepts it, surrounds it immediately, settles it. Doesn't harm the water in any way...

I try to be a source of love. Please help me flow like the water in that way...

So...just for provide me with enough focus and peace that I can be a source of strength and courage and LOVE in this world. I know I'm negative a lot these day....I know that the world doesn't need any more negativity. I'm trying really reallllllly hard not to succomb to bitterness right now. Let the love flow into me like water, filling up the gaps and wounds left by all the insults that the world is currently inflicting...

So, yeah...thanks for listening, Divine source of LOVE...that serenity would be greatly appreciated....
Thanks so much...

Much Love,

P.S. more thing....
If there would ever be a time to do some smiting of folks?? Now would be the time. I mean, not tryin' to tell you how to do your job, But....a good old fashioned smiting seems to be one of those things that happened a lot back in biblical times.  Seems like a good time to bring that back. I'm just sayin'...
So, yeah....I'm all about being with the LOVE. I am. I hear that message. I do...
But a good old fashioned SMITE to some of the most serious of offenders at the moment?
I'm cool with that


O Great Spirit
help me always
to speak the truth quietly,
to listen with an open mind
when others speak,
and to remember the peace
that may be found in silence.

~ Cherokee Prayer

May Peace be with you...Blessings and Namaste !

March 27, 2013

i'm grateful that God knows my heart [and that I know my own heart :)  ]

March 3, 2013
Dear God,
May all beings
Know happiness and peace.
March 1, 2013
Dear God,
Please melt the walls
that separate me from others,
imprisoning me within myself.
Please heal my wounded places
and free my heart to love.

I know, dear God,
that when I am alone, I fear;
and when I fear, I self-destruct.
What I suffer now
and have suffered before,
dear God,
may I suffer no more. 
Thank you.
February 26, 2013:

2/26 - feeling so sad today about certain people that (over the years) I've had to learn to love from a distance.  Mainly because they are mentally unhealthy for A, Z and I  to be around.   Misunderstandings, unkind words, and emotional abandonment have severed our ties (possibly forever).  This situation has been out of my control for a long time -- I have left it in the hands of God.  My prayers have been answered by more of the above.  So where do we go from hear?  We have "let go and let God" so to speak.  It is sad but we must move forward from this pain and from people we love and who we thought loved us.  I heard somewhere that "sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go, but rather learning to start over".  I love you A & Z.  I've got your back.  We have had some very sad times in our lives and we always get through it.  We are the 3 muskateers!  Just remember we always get back to being present, being happy, and being love.  Some things our out of our control, boys.; but everything is going to be o.k. in the end.
  This prayers above has helped me in the past when I have a rough day.  :)  Love, Cyd/mom

Gratefulness Prayer:

The greatest romance is with the Infinite. You have no idea how beautiful life can be. When you suddenly find God everywhere, when He comes and talks to you and guides you, the romance of divine love has begun.

— Paramahansa Yogananada

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