Sunday, March 3, 2013

Confessions of a Smiley "Meme" Queen!

I'm somewhat obsessed by memes.  Some people collect rock, unicorns, etc.; I collect memes.  They've helped me through many of life's trials and inspired me to strive to live life to the fullest.  :D

Our basic family rules are so simple that even our new puppy can understand and demonstrate most of them. Be loving, be thankful, be happy, show compassion, and respect one another. Easy peasy, riright?
  • These "rules" are more like common courtesy type things. We have a few more basic rules in our family (i.e. be truthful, be responsible, obey the law and have good manners comes to mind). But this is it folks. Is this too much to ask?

  •  As parents, it's our job to help our kids learn all of these things. We have and want all the best for them .... we've tried to teach them the above for their future, for their own happiness, for their future bosses, their possible spouses, their possible children and for their and our world. So, young adults and kids out there, help us know that you are "getting" this. Please don't leave us hanging and wondering if all of our parenting was for not.


This meme makes me laugh. vvv  How true is this? Please tell me I'm not the only one. So, what I've learned thru the years in regards to this? - Be true to yourself, be kind, but tell it like it is. Speak your truth. So what if "SUDDENLY you are considered the mean one" ;D

This is baloney (of course) but fun.  My name is mifute.



"The symbolism is this sculpture below is so profound...
Strong in the broken places....Gilded scars that highlight the tenacity and courage of a survivor....
Incredible!!" - Katie Maxwell-King

"When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something's suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful. "


This is a Deep and Profound message ...
Let's focus on being Alive ... and cherish all the little things...
And all that we take for granted ... ♥



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